Taking Care of Mans Best Friend! Everything You Need to Know
Dear Fellow Dog Lover,
Nothing beats the companionship of a pet of your own. And no other animal deserves that coveted title of Mans Best Friend, more than dogs.
Dogs throughout current history have made us laugh. How about Pluto, Goofy and Scooby Doo? And some have made us cry. . .Lassie saves Timmy and how about Rin Tin Tin?
Many modern day dogs are trained as rescue dogs. After undergoing intensive training these special dogs put their sense of smell to work find people buried under rubble after earthquakes, tornados, fires, avalanches and other disasters.
Others are trained as drug sniffing dogs and work in our airports and other ports of entry to assist in the war on drugs. And not enough can be said about the tireless companions who help people with disabilities like loss of hearing or blindness.
Not only do dogs make excellent pets but their loyalty and devotion are unparalleled by any other animal. We have all heard stories of dogs that have performed seemingly impossible heroic acts of bravery to save their owner from harm.
So, we cant promise that your pet will be another Lassie or even a Scooby Doo, but whether you already own a dog and are looking for answers to some of your questions or you are someone who is looking at becoming a first time dog owner, youre sure to find the answers you need in The Dog Owners Handbook.
Whatever your reasons are for owning a dog you will find everything you need to know to get started on the right foot. . .er. . .paw with your new pet.
Heres a sample of whats inside:
Do you know what kind of dog you are looking for?
Select the right breed for your family.
How to find a reputable breeder.
Discover the perfect pet to suit you.
Should you go with a purebred or a mutt?
What is best, a puppy or an adult?
Learn how to housebreak your puppy
What is obedience training and how to implement it.
Many dogs are overweight. Learn the proper diet for your dog.
How to spot allergies in your pet.
When to vaccinate your pet and what vaccinations he needs.
. . .and much, much more!
Did you know that chocolate is bad for your dog? Many folks know that, but did you know that it isnt just bad for your dog, it is actually like POISON to feed your dog chocolate!
If your pet is exhibiting bad behavior problems The Dog Owners Handbook will help you identify and stop the bad behavior. You also need to learn how to look for symptoms of illness in your pet. Check your copy of The Dog Owners Handbook to decide if its time for a trip to the vet!
Whether you are a single person just looking for companionship or a young, energetic family, there is a canine pet that is just right for you. Taking time to investigate the different breeds of dogs and assessing your needs, The Dog Owners Handbook will help insure that you select the perfect pet for you!
If you already have your pet and are looking for the tips you need to help in caring for your dog The Dog Owners Handbook is sure to answer your questions and we guarantee it!
This book is filled with so much value you are
GUARANTEED to appreciate the information
or get a FULL REFUND no questions asked!
Download Your Personal Copy of The Dog Owners Handbook and Start Applying this Knowledge Today!
P.S. Dont let another day go by without using the information taught in The Dog Owners Handbook. The guarantee means you have nothing to loose and everything to gain!
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dog owner, dog training, dog owner guide
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Overview of Different Breeds of Dogs
There are over a hundred registered breeds of dogs. Recognizing the type of the dog is basically associated with its breed. A purebred animal belongs to a documented and acknowledged group of unmixed lineage. Before a breed of dog is recognized, it must be proven that mating two adult dogs of the same type would have passed on their exact characteristics, both appearance and behavior, to their offspring. If thinking of adopting or buying a pet dog for yourself, it is important to know which type of dog you want. Here are a few popular dog breeds for your easy reference: Labrador Labradors are very outgoing dogs that have yellow, black or brown furs. Labrador are versatile dogs that has a wide rang of functions. Most of them are known as retrievers and are utilized as guide dogs for the blind. They enjoy holding different objects in their mouth and are prone to chewing things. Labradors are observed to be hypersensitive and have a high regard for their territory. Their fur is water repellant thus making them
perfect for waterfowl hunting. They make an excellent family dog. German Shepherds Germans shepherds are also known as Alsatian. Originally, they were intended to aide for a farmer in herding their sheep or cattle. They are incredibly intelligent and very trainable. Because of their build they are often used as working dogs in the military or police community. Most of them are also guide dogs. German shepherds are large and strong dogs with varied fur colors. Most come in cream, gray, white or black. Boxer Boxers have pointed ears that are tilted forward. They have a distinguishable white underbelly and white parts at the tip of each foot. These white regions are often called `flashiness' which sometimes extends to other parts of the body. These usually appear on the shoulders and face. Boxers are playful and an energetic breed. They are perfect as a
pet for children because they have an extended puppy hood, meaning they are not considered as an adult dog until they reach the age of three. Training would not be a problem. Boxers are known to be obedient and possess a strong personality. It is advisable to train a boxer at an early age. They can sometimes be a substitute as guide dogs or police dogs. Rotweiller Rotweillers' origin traced back on ancient times. Their existence has been associated with the Roman Empire as watchers for groups of cattle. Since then, their incredible strength and intelligence have been recognized. They are used as police dogs and military aides during wars. Rotweillers are black with tan spots on its cheeks, legs, chest, face and you find tan underneath their tails as well. They are marked with upside down triangles that can be found on the chest area. Each eyebrows have a unique spot. Rotweillers are intelligent and fearless dogs. You can notice their foreheads getting a little wrinkly when they are alert. Rotties are very a
ctive and playful and are fast on learning tricks. Poodle Poodles can be a very good companion and are very loyal to their owners. They belong to a quiet breed of dogs that has a naturally curly fur. Their color ranges from black, grey, white, blue, apricot or brown. Training a poodle tends to require more effort compared to other breeds. They are considered a "hypoallergenic" breed. They are very famous for their very nice coats. Maintenance proves to be a tedious job. Owners have to keep their hair in a manageable length so that matting and tangling is prevented. Dachshund Dachshunds are also referred to as sausage dogs because of their elongated built. They have short legs and pointed facial framework. Chasing and hunting are their favorite past times. Most dachshunds have crooked legs and chest compared to a barrel. Dachshunds are playful and loyal dogs that loves to chase small animals like birds. Their senses are very keen and well-developed though they often exhibit shyness.
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Taking Care of Mans Best Friend! Everything You Need to Know About Dogs But Didnt Know How To Ask! Dear Fellow Dog Lover, Nothing beats the companion......
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Table of contents: Prelude 1. Understanding ingredients [347 words] 2. Dogs need different diets at different ages [397 words] 3. Vitamin and mineral ......
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Perfect Handbook For Imperfect Dog Owners With Master Resell
Dogs are an integral part of human society on every inhabited continent on Earth. They drive livestock and protect it; police property; scent and detect illi......
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Nothing beats the companionship of a pet of your own. And no other animal deserves that coveted title of Mans Best Friend, more than dogs.
Dogs throughout current history have made us laugh. How about Pluto, Goofy and Scooby Doo? And some have made us cry. . .Lassie saves Timmy and how about Rin Tin Tin?
Many modern day dogs are trained as rescue dogs. After undergoing intensive training these special dogs put their sense of smell to work find people buried under rubble after earthquakes, tornados, fires, avalanches and other disasters.
Others are trained as drug sniffing dogs and work in our airports and other ports of entry to assist in the war on drugs. And not enough can be said about the tireless companions who help people with disabilities like loss of hearing or blindness.
Not only do dogs make excellent pets but their loyalty and devotion are unparalleled by any other animal. We have all heard stories of dogs that have performed seemingly impossible heroic acts of bravery to save their owner from harm.
So, we cant promise that your pet will be another Lassie or even a Scooby Doo, but whether you already own a dog and are looking for answers to some of your questions or you are someone who is looking at becoming a first time dog owner, youre sure to find the answers you need in The Dog Owners Handbook.
Whatever your reasons are for owning a dog you will find everything you need to know to get started on the right foot. . .er. . .paw with your new pet.
Heres a sample of whats inside:
Do you know what kind of dog you are looking for?
Select the right breed for your family.
How to find a reputable breeder.
Discover the perfect pet to suit you.
Should you go with a purebred or a mutt?
What is best, a puppy or an adult?
Learn how to housebreak your puppy
What is obedience training and how to implement it.
Many dogs are overweight. Learn the proper diet for your dog.
How to spot allergies in your pet.
When to vaccinate your pet and what vaccinations he needs.
. . .and much, much more!
Did you know that chocolate is bad for your dog? Many folks know that, but did you know that it isnt just bad for your dog, it is actually like POISON to feed your dog chocolate!
If your pet is exhibiting bad behavior problems The Dog Owners Handbook will help you identify and stop the bad behavior. You also need to learn how to look for symptoms of illness in your pet. Check your copy of The Dog Owners Handbook to decide if its time for a trip to the vet!
Whether you are a single person just looking for companionship or a young, energetic family, there is a canine pet that is just right for you. Taking time to investigate the different breeds of dogs and assessing your needs, The Dog Owners Handbook will help insure that you select the perfect pet for you!
If you already have your pet and are looking for the tips you need to help in caring for your dog The Dog Owners Handbook is sure to answer your questions and we guarantee it!
This book is filled with so much value you are
GUARANTEED to appreciate the information
or get a FULL REFUND no questions asked!
Download Your Personal Copy of The Dog Owners Handbook and Start Applying this Knowledge Today!
P.S. Dont let another day go by without using the information taught in The Dog Owners Handbook. The guarantee means you have nothing to loose and everything to gain!
User tags:
dog owner, dog training, dog owner guide
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Overview of Different Breeds of Dogs
There are over a hundred registered breeds of dogs. Recognizing the type of the dog is basically associated with its breed. A purebred animal belongs to a documented and acknowledged group of unmixed lineage. Before a breed of dog is recognized, it must be proven that mating two adult dogs of the same type would have passed on their exact characteristics, both appearance and behavior, to their offspring. If thinking of adopting or buying a pet dog for yourself, it is important to know which type of dog you want. Here are a few popular dog breeds for your easy reference: Labrador Labradors are very outgoing dogs that have yellow, black or brown furs. Labrador are versatile dogs that has a wide rang of functions. Most of them are known as retrievers and are utilized as guide dogs for the blind. They enjoy holding different objects in their mouth and are prone to chewing things. Labradors are observed to be hypersensitive and have a high regard for their territory. Their fur is water repellant thus making them
perfect for waterfowl hunting. They make an excellent family dog. German Shepherds Germans shepherds are also known as Alsatian. Originally, they were intended to aide for a farmer in herding their sheep or cattle. They are incredibly intelligent and very trainable. Because of their build they are often used as working dogs in the military or police community. Most of them are also guide dogs. German shepherds are large and strong dogs with varied fur colors. Most come in cream, gray, white or black. Boxer Boxers have pointed ears that are tilted forward. They have a distinguishable white underbelly and white parts at the tip of each foot. These white regions are often called `flashiness' which sometimes extends to other parts of the body. These usually appear on the shoulders and face. Boxers are playful and an energetic breed. They are perfect as a
pet for children because they have an extended puppy hood, meaning they are not considered as an adult dog until they reach the age of three. Training would not be a problem. Boxers are known to be obedient and possess a strong personality. It is advisable to train a boxer at an early age. They can sometimes be a substitute as guide dogs or police dogs. Rotweiller Rotweillers' origin traced back on ancient times. Their existence has been associated with the Roman Empire as watchers for groups of cattle. Since then, their incredible strength and intelligence have been recognized. They are used as police dogs and military aides during wars. Rotweillers are black with tan spots on its cheeks, legs, chest, face and you find tan underneath their tails as well. They are marked with upside down triangles that can be found on the chest area. Each eyebrows have a unique spot. Rotweillers are intelligent and fearless dogs. You can notice their foreheads getting a little wrinkly when they are alert. Rotties are very a
ctive and playful and are fast on learning tricks. Poodle Poodles can be a very good companion and are very loyal to their owners. They belong to a quiet breed of dogs that has a naturally curly fur. Their color ranges from black, grey, white, blue, apricot or brown. Training a poodle tends to require more effort compared to other breeds. They are considered a "hypoallergenic" breed. They are very famous for their very nice coats. Maintenance proves to be a tedious job. Owners have to keep their hair in a manageable length so that matting and tangling is prevented. Dachshund Dachshunds are also referred to as sausage dogs because of their elongated built. They have short legs and pointed facial framework. Chasing and hunting are their favorite past times. Most dachshunds have crooked legs and chest compared to a barrel. Dachshunds are playful and loyal dogs that loves to chase small animals like birds. Their senses are very keen and well-developed though they often exhibit shyness.
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Taking Care of Mans Best Friend! Everything You Need to Know About Dogs But Didnt Know How To Ask! Dear Fellow Dog Lover, Nothing beats the companion......
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Table of contents: Prelude 1. Understanding ingredients [347 words] 2. Dogs need different diets at different ages [397 words] 3. Vitamin and mineral ......
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Perfect Handbook For Imperfect Dog Owners With Master Resell
Dogs are an integral part of human society on every inhabited continent on Earth. They drive livestock and protect it; police property; scent and detect illi......
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